Orange is the color of sun, and the meaning of warmth. The Hershey's Reese's is the chocolate contain peanut butter, which is interesting that they didn't use brown to present product's image. This logo use slightly yellow, yellow is the second alarming color beside red. Therefore, the color grabs viewers' attentions. As a sunny orange represent the chocolate, customers get the imagination of melting. The
chocolate is melting in our mouth, it warm our heart and we taste the happiness.

Most girls like pink, this color reflects their energy and youth. This light pink baby lotion emphasize on woman's tender femininity. This pink color is gentle, which imply that the lotion is soft as this baby pink, and our skin can easily absorb it with a gentle touch. The baby lotion is smooth, this color also fit with the product's smoothness, although the lotion is white in fact. The baby blue label color mentioned that lotion is liquid. The choice of this pink color pleased customers with imaginary satisfaction.
Both color promote the products' image successfully. Even though the color doesn't attach to the products' original color.